Master of Law Degree

LLM Degree in the USA

Introduction to studying an LLM course in the USA

A Master of Law degree, or LLM, provides an excellent path for students seeking a career in the legal area, delivering not only prestige but also great influence. An LLM is a postgraduate degree that also focuses on specific legal experience and skills and is an opportunity for students looking to specialize in law. The United States, being a highly attractive destination for overseas students, provides this curriculum through prestigious schools, often lasting one to two years.

Pursuing an LLM in the USA provides exposure to a legal system and a rich legal tradition, offering international students a unique perspective on U.S. law and its global impact. The U.S. legal education system often involves practical learning experiences, such as legal clinics and externships, which provide hands-on training and exposure to legal cases, enhancing practical skills and knowledge.

An LLM also serves as a stepping stone for those interested in taking the U.S. bar exam or furthering their academic pursuits with a JSD (Doctor of Juridical Science) or SJD (Doctor of Juridical Science) degree.

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Types of LLM Degrees

General LLM 

A General LLM provides students with a diverse and complete knowledge of law. This concentration allows students to examine various legal topics and personalize their curriculum to their unique interests and career aspirations. A General LLM will enable you to explore several legal specialities or develop a thorough understanding of American legal theory. This curriculum benefits students who want to become acquainted with the American legal system and legal professionals who want to enhance their experience in various legal subjects. It provides a solid basis for a variety of legal professional prospects.

Tax Law LLM 

A Tax Law LLM program will give students a thorough understanding of tax laws, planning, and compliance. It explores local and foreign tax law, offering specific information essential for navigating the intricate world of taxation. Students learn about tax policy, corporate taxation, estate planning, and litigation. This curriculum is appropriate for students who want to work as tax attorneys, consultants, or finance and accounting experts. With an ever-changing tax system, the Tax Law LLM program ensures graduates are well-equipped to handle the complex tax difficulties of the modern world.

Criminal Law LLM

The Criminal Law LLM curriculum thoroughly examines the intricate aspects of criminal justice, criminal procedure, and associated legal fields. Students explore the complexities of criminal law while learning about investigation methods, courtroom etiquette, and courtroom processes. Students of this degree will be prepared to confront the complexity of criminal law and contribute meaningfully to the justice system.


Scholarships for LLM (Master of Laws) in the USA are available to international students, offering financial support to help cover tuition and living expenses. Here are some common scholarship options:

Jobs and Careers

LLM graduates in the USA have various professional options in the legal and non-legal industries. Many opt for conventional legal occupations like becoming lawyers or working in law firms, governmental organizations, or corporate legal departments. Others choose academic careers, such as teaching law or conducting legal research

The LLM degree also provides access to specialized jobs in corporate compliance, international trade, and human rights activism. Graduates may also consider positions in the formulation of public policy, employment with nonprofits, or even a switch to a different field like business consultancy, entrepreneurship, or diplomacy.


LLM graduates in the USA typically command higher salaries than those with a basic law degree. Salary prospects vary significantly based on factors such as the specific field of law, location, and years of experience. On average, LLM graduates can expect starting salaries ranging from $70,000 to $150,000 or more. Attorneys specializing in corporate law, intellectual property, and international law often earn higher salaries.

In addition to base salaries, bonuses, benefits, and opportunities for career advancement can further influence an LLM graduate's earning potential over time.

Where can I study LLM in the US?

To learn more about the best LLM courses in the USA, find details on the top ten ranking LLM universities in the U.S. News University Guide 2024 below:

  1. Stanford University
  2. Yale University 
  3. University of Chicago
  4. University of Pennsylvania (Carey)
  5. Duke University
  6. Harvard University 
  7. New York University
  8. Columbia University 
  9. University of Virginia 
  10. Northwestern University (Pritzker)

Study Master of Laws in the USA

If you want to learn more about studying for a master of Laws in the USA, arrange a free consultation with SI-USA today.

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LLM Master of Law FAQ

What is the duration of a Master in Law in the USA?

LLM programs in the USA typically last one year, though some may extend to two years, depending on the institution and specialization.

Is a GRE score compulsory for studying for a Master's in Law in the USA?

Generally, LLM programs in the USA do not require the GRE. Admissions are primarily based on your prior legal education and experience.

Which LLM specialization is the best in the USA?

The "best" specialization depends on your career goals. Popular choices include International Law, Intellectual Property, and Tax Law, but they should align with your interests and career aspirations.

What are the job opportunities after LLM in the USA for International students?

International LLM graduates can pursue legal careers in various sectors, such as attorneys or legal advisors, depending on their specialization and preferences. These include law firms, corporate settings, government, non-profits, and academia.



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